Friday 31 October 2014

Revolutionary Home-Based Self-Administered Nasopharynscopy

Nasopharynscope is a valuable tool in diagnosing Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in patients since 84% of patients display ulcerations.

Aim:To provide a home-based, affordable and easy-to-use diagnosing kit for detecting Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Evolution of Design
1st Generation

2nd Generation

3rd Generation

4th Generation

5th Generation

Key features of 5th Generation

1) Clear viewing with a specially designed camera lens

2) Secure extension and contraction lock

3) Tight fit between nylon strings to ensure good power transmission

4) Diamond cuts to enhance bending capabilities

5) Optical zoom of up to 5mm due to shooting mechanism

Bending Capability: >90 degrees

Extension and contraction to evade obstacles

Overall Demonstration of Bending and Zooming capability


Outer Diameter: 7mm
Length of extension portion:25 mm
Length of bending segment: 25mm
Minimum inserted length: 11-15 cm
Gear box: 30 by 20 by 30mm
Bending angle: 90 degrees bend per side
Distal tip mechanism: Optical zoom
Material: Polyurethane (Biocompatible)
Stent design: Flexibility
Flexible guiding tube

Verification Test

Polyurethane(#1) Versus Tango-Veroclear hybrid(#2) Stress Test

Technical Advantages

Large bending angle

Extending the camera using the spring mechanism to obtain better optical viewing up to 5mm

Endoscope is very flexible with the stent design

Able to control the bending of the body segments using cable driven mechanism

The bending of the endoscope at the entrance can be controlled flexibly by the guiding shaft


From Left: Mr Teo Jing Chun, Dr Ren Hongliang, Mr Un Weiyang, Miss Soh Yan Bing, Mr Ong Jun Hao Edmund
Foreground: Mr Yeow Bok Seng